How Garcinia Cambogia Can Help You Lose Weight And Belly Fat?
Garcinia Cambogia, now known as Garcinia gummi-gutta, is in buzz among us for its weight loss properties. This superfruit is one of the very well-studied ingredients for weight loss.
This fruit contains a high amount of Hydroxycitric Acid (HCA), which is the key ingredient responsible for its weight loss benefits.
This article will educate you about how Garcinia Cambogia for weight loss works and how it helps in belly fat.

What is Garcinia Cambogia?
Garcinia Cambogia is a small green to yellowish pumpkin liked fruit. In Southeast Asia, this fruit is extensively used for weight loss and other health benefits as well.
Garcinia Cambogia’s peel contains a high amount of active component of Hydroxycitric Acid (HCA). It has many weight loss properties as it suppresses appetite, inhibiting calorie conversion to fat.
Belly fat which is named Visceral fat, is a type of fat stored in the abdominal cavity can lead to many metabolic diseases.
According to Nation Family Health Survey (NFHS-4), even though India suffers from malnutrition, now it is facing another nutritional problem-“Obesity”. In the past 10 years, the number of obese people has doubled in the country.
How Does Garcinia Cambogia Help To Lose Weight And Belly Fat?
1. Help Control Appetite
Garcinia Cambogia suppresses appetite and curbs hunger punks, which makes you feel fuller for a longer time. It does this by increasing serotonin synthesis.
Serotonin is known as an appetite suppressant, higher blood level of serotonin reduces your appetite.
2. Block Fat Production
Hydroxycitric acid (HCA) is an active compound that deals with many fat loss properties and benefits. It impacts the production of new fatty acids and blood fats.
Hydroxycitric acid (HCA) may inhibit the enzyme that helps your body to store fat, due to which the fat gets burned as calories instead of getting store.
3. Enhance Mood
Increasing serotonin levels not only helps to suppress appetite, but also release happy hormones that make you feel good as serotonin is a neurotransmitter that is present in our brain.
Where, the low level of serotonin leads to depression, anxiety and can drive you into emotional or reactive eating that can increase weight and fats.
Thus, Hydroxycitric acid (HCA) increases serotonin levels that improve mood and helps to control emotional or reactive eating in stressful situations.
Apart from this, Garcinia Cambogia helps to improve other health diseases like controls blood sugar levels and improve heart health.
According to one study, moderately obese people took 2,800 mg of Garcinia Cambogia daily for eight weeks and drastically improved several risk factors for disease.
Total cholesterol levels: 6.3% lower
Bad LDL cholesterol levels: 12.3% lower
Good HDL cholesterol levels: 10.7% higher
Blood triglycerides: 8.6% lower
Fat metabolites: 125–258% more excreted in the urine
Plix Life Garcinia Cambogia
Plix Life Garcinia Cambogia Effervescent is a natural way to lose weight and helps to control appetite, burn fat and boost metabolism.
Our effervescent contains powered ingredients like Garcinia Extract that helps suppress appetite, block new fatty acid production, and reduce cholesterol levels.
Cinnamon Extract helps alleviate digestive issues and improve gut health. Ginger Extract reduces inflammation and boosts metabolism.
Take Away
Garcinia Cambogia is a superfruit as its peel contains a high amount of Hydroxycitric acid (HCA) that not only helps to lose weight and burn belly fat naturally but also have other health benefits.
You can easily find many Garcinia Cambogia supplements for weight loss, but that may contain some amount of chemical.
If you are seeking a 100% clean and plant-based product, then switch to Plix Garcinia Cambogia Effervescent.
It contains 0 chemical means 0 side effects and helps you with weight management, gut health and metabolism.