Which Protein is Best for a Beginner?

Jan 17, 2022
3 mins read

Which Protein is Best for a Beginner

Ultimate Guide On Best Protein For Beginners

Protein powder is such a good option if you’re beginners looking for more protein in your diet! It has been around for years now, and most of us think only those huge bodybuilders buy and use it. We would like to highlight ever individuals requires protein. Based on your lifestyle

  • Sedentary Lifestyle – 0.8 to 1g of protein per kg of body weight
  • Active Lifestyle (Play Sports) – 1.2 to 1.4g of protein per kg of body weight
  • Heavy Workout – 1.6- 2g of protein per kg of body-weight

Apart from the technical details regarding protein serving size, type of protein you should also look at the following details while choosing your protein:

How to choose the right protein if you are a beginner? Go through this guide to find out.

1. Allergen Friendly

Although whey protein is great for building muscle, some people may suffer from allergies to whey. It can cause gas or bloat for people with milk or other similar allergies. Plant-based protein powder can be the top pick for those who do suffer from a whey allergy. It can also be a great choice for those who have gluten allergies! Other protein powders may have gluten in them to help you feel fuller, but plant-based protein powder is usually gluten-free and hypoallergenic! No allergic reactions mean you can focus on getting your body to look and feel the way you want it to. Accomplishing those workout and weight loss goals are closer than ever!

2. Friendly Fibre

Want to know why most plant-based protein powders are so good for you? It’s all due to a great little word called fibre. Plants are packed with fibre! Fibre is made up of both soluble and insoluble fibre. It’s the insoluble fibre that helps our digestive system run smoothly. The soluble fibre keeps us feeling full and happy after we eat. Since plants contain large amounts of both soluble and insoluble fibre, we get the benefit of properly working digestion and the full feeling we all want—especially when we’re dieting organic protein is best to use. There are many protein powders out there that act as meal replacement options to keep you full while still losing weight, but plant-based protein powder naturally keeps you feeling full while also keeping you regular. It’s like a double win!

3. No Hormones or Antibiotics

Livestock is often treated with growth hormones and antibiotics. This can easily translate into the whey protein you may want to use for your workouts. Although it is easy enough to find a whey protein that is made from cows that haven’t been treated with all of that yucky stuff, some of you may just feel more comfortable avoiding whey protein altogether. Well, with plant-based protein powder, you won’t have to worry about any of those hormones or antibiotics.

4. The Best Organic Protein for a Beginner

I would recommend plant protein to be the best for beginners. Plix is a complete plant protein. It has all the nine essential amino acids and is flavored using natural cocoa powder. The product being dairy-free is easily digestible on the stomach.

The product being free from artificial flavours, preservatives and colours you do need to worry about what you’re consuming. The product being absolutely natural, you can rest assured that the product does not have any side effects.

Get Organic Protein

Plix plant Protein

Plix Organic Protein


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