Types of PCOS Symptoms

Oct 14, 2022
6 mins read

Blog 17 What are the 10 main symptoms of PCOS

PCOS is a condition in which the ovaries produce an abnormal amount of androgens, male sex hormones that are normally present in small amounts in women. PCOS full form is Polycystic ovary syndrome refers to the ovaries’ numerous small cysts (fluid-filled sacs). However, some women with this disorder do not develop cysts, whereas some women without the disorder do. Ovulation is the release of a mature egg from an ovary. This occurs so that it can be fertilised by male sperm. If the egg is not fertilised, it is excreted during your period.

In some cases, a woman does not produce enough of the hormones required to ovulate. When ovulation does not occur, the ovaries can develop numerous small cysts. Women with PCOS frequently have high levels of androgens. This can aggravate a woman’s menstrual cycle. It can also cause many of the PCOS symptoms. Irregular Periods Irregular periods are frequently the first sign that something is wrong with your hormones, making this one of the most important PCOS symptoms.

In this blog, we will discuss different symptoms of PCOS and solutions that can help treat them.

Symptoms of PCOS problem in females

Ovarian Cysts

A trans-vaginal ultrasound (a type of pelvic ultrasound) can reveal a number of cyst-like growths on the ovaries. The eggs are held in tiny, fluid-filled sacs known as ‘follicles’ in a woman’s ovaries. Each month, one mature egg is supposed to be released by the follicles and enter the uterus. If it comes into contact with a sperm there, it will successfully fertilise to form a baby. The other follicles are supposed to disintegrate naturally after the one mature egg is released from the ovary. When this does not occur, it may be a sign of PCOS. Immature follicles congregate to form cysts, making it difficult for a single egg to mature properly or release itself.

High Levels of Male-Sex Hormones

The underlying cause of PCOS is an overabundance of male sex hormones in a woman’s body. Male sex hormones include testosterone, DHEA, androstenedione, and DHT. You will be diagnosed with PCOS if your lab tests reveal high levels of these hormones.

Irregular Periods

Irregular periods are often the first sign that something is wrong with your hormones, making this one of the most important symptoms of PCOS. Some women have periods that are more than 35 days apart, while others have periods that are completely absent/missed/skipped. Many PCOS patients have fewer than ten periods per year. Some women also have ovulation problems. The ovaries of some women fail to release an egg. In others, the ovaries only occasionally release a mature egg.

Pimples or Acne

Cystic acne is yet another common PCOS symptom (a more severe form of general acne.) PCOS acne is distinguished by tender knots beneath the skin rather than surface bumps. These cysts are more common along “hormonally sensitive” areas of the skin, such as the jawline, cheeks, chin, and upper neck, but they can also appear on the chest and back. These under-the-skin cysts are frequently excruciatingly painful, becoming especially so when menstruation begins.

Excess Body Hair growth

One of the most dreaded PCOS symptoms is excessive body hair, also known as hirsutism. PCOS is thought to be the most common cause of hirsutism. You may notice thick, dark, masculine pattern hair growth on different parts of your body. The chin, along the jawline, around the mouth, arms, legs, and torso are examples of these areas. Again, hormonal imbalance with high androgen levels is the underlying cause of excessive hair growth.

The oiliness of Face

Excess androgens in the body can stimulate the oil-producing glands to produce more oil. If you notice sudden oiliness on your face, it could be due to hormonal imbalances. If left unchecked, this can lead to clogged pores, which can cause acne and pimples.

Other Major Symptoms of PCOS problem in females:

Long and Heavy periods

Another PCOS symptom is heavy periods that last more than 7 days. Large blood clots may be passed during periods, a condition known clinically as Menorrhagia. In some cases, the bleeding is severe enough to interfere with daily activities. Shortness of breath and fatigue are common complaints among women suffering from menorrhagia.

Painful Periods

If your periods are accompanied by pain that is more than just a minor annoyance, this could be another sign of PCOS. Painful periods, also known as dysmenorrhea, are characterised by abdominal cramping and a dull deep ache in the lower abdomen. The pain may spread to your back, hips, and thighs.


PCOS is characterised by menstrual irregularities, including absent/missed/skipped periods, which cause fertility issues. Because PCOS interferes with ovulation, it can make it difficult to conceive. Regulating your cycle and encouraging healthy, natural ovulation may be the key to conceiving with PCOS.

At PlixLife, we offer free consultations, and a personalized PCOS diet plan to lose weight and manage PCOS symptoms, workout recommendations that you can combine along with oral supplementation of our safe, natural PCOS  products.


1. Why do I get so much acne on my face?

Excessive acne and facial hair are two common PCOS symptoms. High insulin levels stimulate the ovaries to produce a large amount of the hormone Testosterone, resulting in excessive hair growth, acne, and even male pattern baldness.

2. Can PCOS be cured?

PCOS cannot be cured but its symptoms can be treated with the help of a heatlhy diet & lifestyle along with supplementation.

3. Does contraceptive help in combatting PCOS?

The purpose of contraceptive pills is to develop and thicken the lining around the uterus, which occurs after 21 days of use. When you stop eating them, the uterine wall ruptures, and you finally get your ‘periods.’ There are more natural solutions to irregular or missing periods, such as plant-based supplements powered by medicinal herb extracts! These not only help with period regulation, but also with insulin resistance, cyst size reduction, and egg cell development, which may or may not be covered by contraceptive pills.

4. What is Plix’s PCOS + Tru Cycle Plan?

This plant-based PCOS supplement works holistically to support uterine health, healthy ovulation, and balanced hormone levels with its carefully selected herb blend. This aids in the restoration of a regular menstrual cycle and alleviates discomfort such as painful menstrual cramps.

5. Will it help me conceive?

Over a period of consistent consumption along side exercise and healthy side, this herbal combination can help you in conceiving by aiming to regularise your period cycle and ovulation cycle and maintaining a healthy reproductive health.


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